Tuesday, May 5, 2020

CORONA VIRUS;Opportunity or dreadful?

                           WHAT IS CORONA VIRUS?

The name Coronavirus is derived from lt.word "CORONA" means  crown or halo in english.

Corona viruses are single stranded RNA virus which are enveloped and spherical.

The first Human Corona Virus was reported in  1960.

In Human ,the virus causes respiratory infections including common cold to more severe forms such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS).

The virus spreaded from Wuhan,China has became pandemic and there are more than 3.5 million cases worldwide.Lockdown has been followed in different countries around the globe and people are facing lots of problem for survival.But at the same time ,in this era of science and technology,it is also creating opportunities for people to make their earning through internet.This also helps people to do various research and know something new.

Some ways to make online earning as I told above includes:

BLOG Writing
Affiliate marketing
Linked In 

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