Tuesday, May 5, 2020

BRAIN FOODS;Foods to improve mind power

     It is very essential to care on things that you eat ,not just for students but for all types of personnel.
However,students should also focus on some food items particularly for great results of their hardwork. Food items to improve mind power,concentration etc.includes:


    Walnuts are top nuts for brain health.They resemble the structure of whole brain.They have high concentration of DHA,a type of Omega-3 fatty acid.And DHA has been shown to protect brain health in newborns,improve cognitive performance in adults.

    Almonds can be considered as brain food.They are rich in Magnesium and Vitamin E. Healthy levels of vitamin E boost alertness and preserve memory longer.  The best way to take almond is;either you can take around  6 pieces of almond early in the morning or you can soak almonds in a glass of water overnight and drink it in early morning in an empty stomach.This is also efficient in lowering body cholesterol level and blood pressure.                                              

3.Cow Milk:

Cow milk is a good source of Vitamin B which ensure healthy functioning of brain and nervous system.

4.Fruits and Vegetables:

Blueberries,Raspberries,Avocado,Pomegranate,strawberries etc. and vegetables like Spinach and green leafy vegetables ,asparagus etc.are rich in magnesium and dilate blood vessels and boost blood flow to brain.


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